Our School Mission sincerely declares the purpose of our school community; influencing our thoughts and actions each and every day.
Mission In Action
16.12.24: This morning we welcomed residents from Cherry Trees Care Home. Our incredible choir sang, served and enjoyed chatting with their neighbours.
08.12.24: Parents, children and staff braved the cold weather to support Father Christmas and Alcester Round Table to raise money for local charities.
29.11.24: Well done to our wonderful School Choir who sang beautifully at Minerva Mill Charity this afternoon.
26.11.24: Tonight in Gardening Club, our pupils have finished making their jam! Who knew growing your own fruit and turning it into produce could be such fun? We give thanks to God for His creation.
24.11.24: At Mass this morning, M was welcomed into the Guild of St. Stephen as an Altar Server. #WorldYouthSunday
21.11.24: Have you spotted us in the paper this week? We’re so proud to have raised over £1800 for BBC Children in Need. A remarkable achievement for our small school community.
17.11.24: Well done to N and Mrs. Hastie, who spent their Saturday getting our Church garden 'Winter ready'. Thank you to one of the Parishioners who kindly gave us some geranium cuttings; Gardening Club will enjoy propagating these for next year.
12.11.24: Today, we’re all wearing Odd Socks to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying Week! It’s ok to be different - we are united together as one family in Christ.
11.11.24: Today, we welcomed parents, carers and parishioners into school for Rolling Worship to commemorate Remembrance Day! United together as one family in Christ.
08.11.24: Following our Vocations Day, all children were se a project to research a Saint who inspires them to be what God is calling them to be. Today, we held a 'Museum of Saints' to showcase our projecs. Thank you to all of the parents and parishioners who attended.
04.11.24: A wonderful surprise was waiting for us this morning. Two of our pupils have received certificates for giving up their time to litter pick in our local town. We are bursting with pride at how G and J are putting their faith into action to care for creation.
23.10.24: Years Three and Four had a wonderful time caring for creation. Thank you so much to Good Day Farms for allowing us to visit and see all of the interesting animals.
11.10.24: It was a privilege for our Head Boy and Head Girl to attend St. Benedict's 60th Anniversary Mass, and meet His Grace Archbishop Bernard.
04.10.24: Today is a non-uniform day to celebrate CAFOD's Family Fast Day. The children have brought in so many generous donations for our neighbours in need, which have all been donated to Arden Foodbank.
17.09.24: Gardening Club have been busy with Alcester Town Council and All Things Rural this afternoon; learning about bees and wildflowers. The children were grateful for their Wildflower Seed Bombs which they have taken to plant at home. #CareForCreation
02.09.24: Take a look at some of our beautiful new school displays which link to our school mission, the Catholic Social Teachings and the Gospel Virtues and Values.
06.12.24: Reception have been learning how to use tools safely at Forest School this week!
18.11.24: Years Three and Four visited a Buddhist Temple this morning and in the afternoon, they explored World Religions in Birmingham Library!
13.11.24: What an inspiring day Year Six have had in the city of London! The children had a fantastic time at the Houses of Parliament, and even saw a debate! They also met our local MP for a question and answer session - just incredible!
11.11.24: We are bursting with musical talent at Our Lady’s! Today, our guitarists could be heard serenading us in the Library. We are so pleased to have introduced weekly Guitar Tuition at Our Lady's this academic year.
09.11.24: We are very proud of our superstars who participated in a Cross Country event at Stratford High School this morning. The children ran this race with perseverance and resilience.
05.11.24: Another wonderful Chatter Books session. Thank you, Alcester Library. This week was pirate themed : we played a memory game, made a book-mark, spotted the difference and had a treasure hunt for pirates around the Library.
23.10.24: Inspired by St. John Henry Newman, we have had the most incredible Vocations Day. We have role-played with Warwickshire Police, built bridges with British Aeronautical Engineering and explored Ecology using animal models.
07.11.24: It's Times Tables Rock Star Day! Years Three and Four are excited to compete against other schools in Our Lady of the Magnificat MAC.
22.10.24: We received a wonderful surprise in today’s post: we have been recognised as an Equal Access School for 2024 by Barclay's Girls’ School Partnership!
18.10.24: We have had the most wonderful morning, being visited by the author called Rob Biddulph. The children really enjoyed a 'Drawing with Rob' Workshop to launch the morning. As a special momento, every child will soon receive a signed copy of Rob's book: 'I Follow The Fox'.
17.10.24: Our Year Six pupils had an inspiring day at St. Benedict's: they have cooked, used their fabulous Science and Drama facilities, and made friends with pupils from St. Gregory's.
20.09.24: This year, we are delighted to offer the children the opportunity to enjoy keyboard tuition. They are making brilliant progress already!
16.09.24: This morning, our Year Six pupils have started their Bike-Ability lessons. We have been very lucky with the weather and everyone is loving learning how to ride and control their bikes safely.
12.09.24: Years Five and Six have really enjoyed exploring Islam as a World Religion over the past two weeks. Today, they handled different objects and artefacts which Islamists use in prayer.