
Psalms 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. 

Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School values Music; it is a subject that links to our faith and is often a medium through which our pupils can demonstrate their God-given talents and skills. 

Over the course of their time at Our Lady’s, we aim for pupils to grow from their first introduction to music into passionate musicians and singers. Through our sequential curriculum and high-quality teaching, children learn the language and skills of Music which opens doors for them; exploring the subject successfully and creatively, broadening their horizons and providing cultural experiences. 

Our School Vision, detailed above, encapsulates Our Lady’s shared determination for every child to reach academic excellence through an enriched and innovative curriculum. We encourage pupils’ understanding of, natural interest about and talent in Music through carefully-planned enrichment opportunities.  

Children enjoy regular opportunities to reflect on pieces and develop their own appreciation for, and preferences within, the subject. The skills and vocabulary which are progressively acquired allow all children to immerse themselves in the learning of genres and the impact of Music upon cultures and society. 

Throughout their time at Our Lady’s, children have opportunities to play musical instruments and therefore have a real, practical awareness of performance. This is augmented with extra-curricular clubs and tuition, within our school and also across our multi-academy family, so they may reach their full potential. 

By fostering such a welcoming attitude towards the arts, children engage with artistic expression as consumers and creators, with a desire to continue to engage with their creativity throughout their lives.  

You can review our school's Music Development Plan by clicking here:
